Thursday, August 28, 2014

Recent Show Entries

Finding the Light
I am excited to have paintings included in two shows at the Sacramento Fine Arts Center.  Last month "Some Hieronymous Bosch Hiding at the Cluny" was in the In the Style of the Old Masters Show.  "Finding the Light" and "Hiding in the Ruins" were just accepted for the annual WASH Open Show.  "Finding the Light" has received an award. 

Hiding in the Ruins
Some Hieronymous Bosch Hiding at the Cluny

Saturday, March 8, 2014

The JV Painting Society has paintings hanging at the Casa Garden Restaurant on Sutterville Road in Sacramento during March and April 2014.  The Casa Garden serves lovely lunches and is a venue for weddings and other events.  All proceeds go to support the Sacramento Children's Home.  Below are the paintings that I have included in that show.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A new San Luis painting

Under the Avila Pier
 When we are in San Luis Obispo, my favorite beach to visit is Avila Beach.  It is usually sunny and is such a friendly beach to walk on.  There are always lots of kids playing in the sand and people sitting and enjoying the sun or taking a stroll in the surf.  This painting, which I just finished, is of the sun making it part way under the pier early in the morning when the tide was out. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

New Site

This blog is new and a work in progress.  I hope to have a more complete site by February 20.


Paintings showing at Danielle's Creperie

These paintings of mine are part of the JV Painting Society Show at Danielle's Creperie from January 20 to February 23, 2014.